A pandemic can have far reaching impacts on the U.S. economy. Companies in once successful industries across the United States have felt the immediate impact of the current pandemic in the most devastating ways.

Early measurements of the impact of this pandemic suggest that construction productivity has been impacted by nearly 20%. A rule of thumb for self-performing contractors is that a 10% impact on productivity results in a 100% impact on profitability. As such, contractors need to consider seriously the impact of this study on their profitability and seek equitable adjustments that adequately compensate them for the impact.

This study is divided into three distinct sections:

  •  Part I – Pandemic Mitigation Tracking – specifically quantifies hours associated with preventative measures such as training, health screenings, cleaning and disinfecting, job site access and administration instituted to minimize exposure.
  •  Part II – Productivity Benchmarking – specifically quantifies the reduction in direct work productivity related to social distancing rules, staggered shifts, reduced crew sizes, increased personal protective equipment requirements and related job site regulations.
  • Part III – Business and Project Impacts – specifically quantifies ancillary impacts experienced by most contractors who participated in this study.

Here are supporting documents and videos to make it easier to consume the information in the report:

Pandemics and Construction Productivity Report – Initial Findings
COVID-19 has had substantial impacts on many segments of construction and contractors have limited tools to measure the effects this is having on their businesses. This webinar shares the findings of a 5 week intensive ELECTRI research study that shows productivity impacts measuring pre and post pandemic results due to new safety requirements. This webinar also introduces tools to identify and quantify impacts on productivity that will serve as a starting point for negotiations.

Sign in to view webinar here

View webinar slide deck here


Pandemics and Construction Productivity Study Overview
This video will provide individuals with an overview of the report findings relating to productivity impacts as a result of new PPE requirements and social distancing guidelines.

Pandemic Mitigation Tracking Overview
This video will provide an overview of the report findings relating to lost hours on job sites as a result of new safety requirements.

Pandemics and Construction Productivity Study
This video will provide further details to help quantify productivity impacts by task as a result of new PPE and social distancing guidelines.


Pandemic Business Impacts Overview
This video provides and overview of projects specific impacts that contractors are most frequently facing around the country.

Pandemic Business Impacts Contractors Interview
This video includes interviews with contractors sharing their personal stories of how their own jobs are being impacted by COVID-19.

Pandemic Change Order Calculator
This video will help contractors quantify their own project-related impacts by using the change order calculator which can be downloaded from the link below video.

Change Order Calculator:
Download Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions please reach out to your local chapter executive. If they do not have an answer to your question reach out to

Ryan Courtney –


Josh Bone –

 If you found this report useful, please help us continue our mission by contributing to ELECTRI:

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Brian Lightner
Dan Doyon
Mark Federle
Michael McLin


Marquette University
Maxim Consulting

Publication Date:

August 2020

Format & Size:


Index Number:


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