The ELECTRI International / NECA Green Energy Challenge marks a yearly highlight for NECA Student Chapters. Teams agree that the popular Challenge is stimulating because it makes them focus on problem solving by thinking in new, creative ways.

2018 Challenge Overview
The 2018 competition challenged teams to prepare a proposal for a community facility outlining ways the facility could achieve net-zero energy consumption by incorporating energy saving measures and distributed energy resources. The challenge also included a community service requirement. Each team had to create a volunteer plan of action and demonstrate in the proposal the activity and number of hours volunteered at the facility chosen for their team’s project.
2018 Green Energy Challenge Winners
1st Place: Iowa State University
2nd Place: Pennsylvania State University
3rd Place: Illinois Institute of Technology
2018 Green Energy Challenge Best Presenter Winner
Liam Cummings, Pennsylvania State University
2018 Green Energy Challenge Poster Competition Winners
1st Place: Iowa State University
2nd Place: Ball State University
3rd Place: Pennsylvania State University
2018 Judges
Tom Feissle, Southwire
Tricia Ferry, VEC
Jeremy Foster, Lutron
Amanda Harbison, NECA
Angie Hart, Rosendin
Adam Rude, ERMCO
Joel Smith, Greenlee/Textron
Anthony Travia, Graybar
Robert Turner, Turner Electric